Adding/Removing Retention Statements

This page is now outdated and has  been replace by the Policy on Retention Commitment Changes.

There has been some discussion in various MSCC forums on libraries adding and removing retention statements from the local catalogs.  Below are guidelines for adding and removing retention statements during the first quarter of 2014.  This page will be updated as needed with current guidelines.

Retention Statements on Item Records

As of November 20, 2013, items with current 561/583/852 retention statements have been submitted to OCLC for batch creation of LHRs on the Shared Print symbols. These batch processes are projected to be completed sometime before April 1st, 2014.  A second round of Scenario 2 batches should be completed by May 1st, 2014.  Until they have been completed, these guidelines for adding and removing retention statements should be followed.  The guidelines will be updated once batch processing has finished.

Example 1:   A replacement copy of a CTR title is purchased and cataloged on a record with a different OCLC number than the original.

  • In the local catalog, retention statements may be moved to a new item record and the original item and bib record may be deleted.

  • Add the LHR to OCLC under the Shared Print symbol.  See for fields for LHRs.  If you prefer to have Sara create the LHRs in OCLC, send the new OCLC record numbers to her.

  • Alert Sara to the old OCLC number that will need to have it’s LHR removed after the batch process has run.

Example 2: Materials are found that should NOT have received a CTR.

  • Alert Sara ( to the record(s) and OCLC numbers to remove and she will handle the reversals in OCLC (this applies while we are in the interim period before batch processing has occurred at OCLC.)

  • Once Sara has been alerted it is fine to remove the CTR from the item record, and if needed to delete the item and bib records from the local catalog.

Example 3:  New material is identified or acquired that should receive a CTR.

  • Add the CTR fields to the item record(s).  See for fields to add.

  • Add the LHR to OCLC under the Shared Print symbol.  Note that Sara need not be advised of new commitments, and this will be the process followed once the grant period has ended. If, while we are still in the grant period, you prefer to have Sara create the LHRs in OCLC send the new OCLC record numbers to her.

After the batch processes have been completed, the terms of the MOU and any “appeals” process that might be developed will guide whether materials must be replaced or are allowed to be removed.

Retention Statements on Checkin Records

We have begun to make retention commitments on Series records.  The additional fields used in checkin records can be found at the bottom of the Retention Statements by Institution page.  Please consult with Sara before changing these fields in checkin records during the grant period.

MSCS >> People >> Technical Services Subcommittee >> Adding/Removing Retention Statements